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8:59 a.m. - Saturday, Sept. 14, 2013
waking up
We wake up. After years of being comfortable with the way things are we start to notice a restlessness, an anxiety. Now it is intolerable. We have woken up. It is not that the old was terrible, horrible but that we now see it in a different way and we want to move perhaps anywhere but here. At times we think it is an outward thing and cast blame especially at those closest to us that have contributed to making what was. Yet, in reality although there may be things that needed correcting, it is more about something inside, something inside waking up to something more and that more is unknown to us, at least at first. Some begin to wake up and ignore it by placing themselves in a state of anesthesia. Fear does this, fear not only of the unknown but the known, what ifs. The path less travelled comes to mind to those who by courage take it or by an inner compulsion that is so strong, there is no other choice. We wake up.
Rilke said, "We are like bees of the invisible. We madly gather the honey of the invisible to store in the great golden hive of the invisible."
Something inner and invisible has woken us up and it is the Divine energy. I'm not speaking of some guy in white robes but the truly Divine unknowable energy of the universe. The energy Einstein tapped into, the energy Underhill wrote about.
It is an energy that is willing to share itself with us by tapping into the spark within us all and igniting it into a flame hopefully a roaring fire and then we are off. Off to what? It is a Divine adventure and when it ends we will come back to the place we started but we will forever be changed, different, more evolved, knowing.
We begin to have a change in consciousness moving from being centered on ourselves to being universally minded. There are things that only we can do when ignited. Connected to the Divine energy, we trust being led to the place where we fulfill the call. We cannot do it all. We are not the one and only Saviour of the universe. We can do only what we are presently gifted for and trust it is completed. Then we come back again and when we have come back home, after a time, it will eventually ignite again. We are not our own. Essentially we are Being, a creative bee in Life's service but often forget this truth. When we wake up and see and align our self with Presence itself, we breathe easily. We feel creative, fulfilled, energetic yet at peace. We live no longer on the surface of things but in the depths. Although we know it, it is difficult and often impossible to share this knowledge with others. There has been a mutation to our being as the seed within has matured, broken open and is growing in ways we never imagined. All becomes filled with light and meaning. A danger comes if we begin to look outward to others who have never experienced the wakening and we being to listen to their ridicules. If we are mature and centered enough this is not a problem, we move on, we start our journey toward creativity guided by the One that holds us all in equal measure.
Once the journey is ended and we have come back home, it may seem like a dream. Yet the growth remains and we know without doubt we have been transformed for good.


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